Saturday, July 31, 2010

lose yourself in a collective summer dream

Yesterday was National Cheesecake Day! So cheesecake was half off at The Cheesecake Factory - and that of course meant I had to drive over and pick up a slice, because you don't pass up a chance like that! I got fresh strawberry, which is just original with strawberries & whipped cream and it was like a little piece of culinary heaven. I have low standards, whatever. :D I'm also craving TCF's Jamaican black pepper shrimp like a mofo, but the crowds at the restaurant yesterday were out of control crazy: because it was Friday night, of course, but also because of the 1/2 price cheesecake. I'll get my shrimp another day...

I watched the first episode of the BBC's new series Sherlock last night. Modern day Sherlock Holmes, and it was fun! It makes me want to reread the Sherlock Holmes books and dive back into mystery books; I can't remember a lot of the Agatha Christie I've read, so let's do that...

Unrelated to that: on Tuesday, I met up with J and H and C at the MUNY (outdoor ampitheater - is that redundant?) to watch a production of The Sound of Music.

It was lovely. ♥ Okay, it was hot and muggy as hell, but the production itself was lovely. I loved the sets and sort of wish I'd done theater in school, ever... But the singers were all very good and very reminiscent of the movie. It also brought back all these memories of my childhood; The Sound of Music was my mom's favorite movie and I've seen it so many times. I still have most of all the songs memorized. I remember singing them all the time.

It's also been ages since I've seen it since I've become an ~adult~, so it was with a new perspective. The duet between Maria and Captain von Trapp, Something Good, made me tear up because it's just so lovely. It was my mom's favorite song from the movie and I remember not understanding why as a kid - it was boring and slow and not full of kids being cute. Now that I'm a little more grown up, I think I have a better idea. :)

(There was also a lot of "woman belongs to man" sentiments that made me roll my eyes with my new adult perspective and knowledge, but I know what time period it's from and, yeah, nostalgia-colored glasses make me a little indulgent.)

I've also resolved that if I'm ever to write again, I will have to be drunk. The mental block is strong with me.

I have other thoughts floating around my head but I don't feel like articulating them right now. :/ I will conclude by saying that I'm feeling sort of off today - gotta have to get over that if I want to plan out my week. A dinner party with people tomorrow (jerk chicken and rum punch!), oil change appointment on Monday, gotta pack to go home, and so on...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

can you feel the change in your bones?

And if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbye?
Should be so careful who we left out of our lives
And when we long for absolution, there will be no one on the line

Let's try again. Breaking it down to its simplest form: don't put life on hold to have an existential crisis about what you want. Figure it out while living your life as it is before you.

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day
To turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying

I've never been a music person. But, suddenly, it's like I'm listening again - and the words matter. (The words have always mattered though; I just wasn't paying attention.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

the future is like the ocean... stretches infinitely into the horizon if only I could look past what is directly in front of me.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'd suggest you take another look at your priorities

When someone tells you that something you do/say is racist or could very easily be construed as racist (because it is not 100% clear just what the hell you're doing; we aren't mind-readers, sorry) even if you didn't intend for the action/words to be so--

Of course, naturally, the first reaction is to gasp in outrage and exclaim vociferously that it is just so rude and hurtful that someone might be calling your, explicitly or implicitly, racist. Do people not know who you are? Of course you couldn't possibly ever be racist or say or do racist things. Being talked at like you have, or did, even unintentionally - by gods, that is just unacceptable! No one should treat you like you're ignorant.

Because being treated like you're ignorant or racist is "probably not much different than having your culture shunted for lighter skin."
