Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'd suggest you take another look at your priorities

When someone tells you that something you do/say is racist or could very easily be construed as racist (because it is not 100% clear just what the hell you're doing; we aren't mind-readers, sorry) even if you didn't intend for the action/words to be so--

Of course, naturally, the first reaction is to gasp in outrage and exclaim vociferously that it is just so rude and hurtful that someone might be calling your, explicitly or implicitly, racist. Do people not know who you are? Of course you couldn't possibly ever be racist or say or do racist things. Being talked at like you have, or did, even unintentionally - by gods, that is just unacceptable! No one should treat you like you're ignorant.

Because being treated like you're ignorant or racist is "probably not much different than having your culture shunted for lighter skin."


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