Wednesday, November 10, 2010

forever on a path of no return

Oh, look at how good I am about maintaining a blog: abysmal. Can I lay the blame on this being my last semester here in St. Louis? 3L year is apparently hell on motivation, as in I lack any whatsoever.

Overall the semester's going fairly well, though. Dealing with the logistics of being in Singapore next semester, keeping up with Liverpool, and maintaining the utmost celebrity crush on Tom Hardy, who is too much of a paradox to exist as a real person (an amalgamation of everything I never thought I'd like in a guy but do when it's him). Also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is highly relevant to my interests, but mostly in a shallow damn-he-looks-good-in-a-suit way.

Clearly my mind's been on law recently...

In that vein, I took October trips to visit L in DC and then to visit C in Chicago, meeting up with L and L. Good times were had. Memories were made. No law was learned. And yet I'm totally okay with that.

Just another two weeks of pretending I care about school until Thankgiving! Flying home to NC to see family and eat until I burst; looking forward to it and also HP next Friday!

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