While working on this write-on, I’ve been distracted by some things recently.
01. Food/recipe blogs. I’ve had this strange urge to cook or bake a lot recently (which I’ve only partially accomplished), but I’ve been looking at a lot of pictures of foods. The large websites with people submitting their recipes are not as helpful or personal as the individual food blogs, I’ve discovered, especially because, with the latter, people can comment with their own experiences with and alterations to the recipe.
My favorite food blog so far, I think, that I discovered just today is this blog. I'm also a fan of this LJ baking community: http://community.livejournal.com/bakebakebake. Mostly I like looking at the desserts, though I doubt I'd commit to a lot of them. (I'm not a huge fan of cakes/sweet things/frosting. I lack a sweet tooth and I tend only to crave small amounts of sugar or chocolate occasionaly - say, certain times of the month. There are a few things I will always like though, probably because I get them so rarely: cheesecake (original) and tiramisu (made well).)
This blog is also nice with a large variety. Just Bento has delicious and cute recipes for bentos, which one day I may try, if I ever acquire a bento box...
Right now, I'm craving potatoes au gratin like crazy. Damn you, J, for not liking things with cheese. Probably it's better that I don't run out and spend more money on potatoes and cheese though... I still need to find another use for buttermilk.
02. Windows 7. I want to try it out so badly, but installing it on a computer running XP just takes too much (technical) work and I'm lazy and, currently, very easily frustrated by tech stuff. (I still need to reformat my baby laptop and, goddammit, I'll probably just buy an external DVD drive and make my dad do the work when I'm home.)
I'm also not a fan of how the Windows 7 Release Candidate will allow you to try it only until March (then starts shutting down your computer every 2 hours until you buy an officially released version, fuck you) and also requires you to wipe out your user files before installing the official release.
But oh I do like shiny things, and Windows 7 is quite that. It's gotten a lot of good reviews, too; the consensus is that it's much better than Vista.
On second thought, I might actually install it onto my baby laptop (which is longer than using "netbook" but cuter, I can't help it! I should name it...maybe after I'm done being angry with it) if it'll save a reformatting. That's the computer I want to take with me to China this summer anyway. I can try it out and see.
03. PageFour. Oh god, I'm a total sucker for shiny new things with organization and tabs. Tabs! I'm all over this. I'm trying this out right now. I'll let you know how it goes.
04. Apartment-hunting. Still looking but for the moment I can say I'm a big fan of places that include all (or most) utilities in the rent. I also am a big fan of the washer/dryer set being either in the unit or at least on the same floor. (Paying for laundry with quarters is still a pain, because ugh, saving and hunting for quarters - but not having to haul laundry down the stairs will be a big improvement.) One of the things I'm also looking for (because I just don't care that much about the size of my room), is light. I thrive off sunlight and lots of natural light. Dark apartments are depressing and make me never want to stay home. Another huge plus are nice kitchens (especially shiny new ones that are all clean and include dishwashers, which for us will just be like a giant drying rack)! I want to cook a lot next year and not hate my kitchen.
But, like I said, still looking. Hopefully T and I will settle on something soon, because it'd be nice to get it out of the way before we're in China.
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