Wednesday, September 30, 2009

love is a relay; happiness is the baton

So even I think it's ridiculous what an emokid I've been lately. So I am not as happy-go-lucky as I was last year, so what? I can still the make the most out of my life this year. So I'm not cut out for law school, so what? I can still work hard. I still will work hard. Or at least try hard enough to not fail out of classes; I figure passing enough classes to graduate with a JD is a good-as-any goal for now.

I should really be focused on finding something (paying) to do this summer. That and actually writing something truly worthwhile. Well, there are many definitions of "worthwhile" and I don't think what I've been writing up until now is worthless, god, no; I would've probably gone insane without some form of writing in my life. But I'd like to make a concentrated effort on something long, complete, and cohesive.

There is NaNoWriMo, but that's not for another month. I should definitely put some thought into what I want to write 50,000 words of though.

In other topics, I really enjoy the weather this week: a little chilly in the mornings, brisk and sunny all day long. I don't even mind that the sun sets earlier, not too much; this is lovely autumn weather and I am happy if we just stay here. Naturally, that means we won't get to keep it for long but...I will enjoy it while it's around.

I've also determined that if I feel like crap inside, I need to make an effort to not look like crap outside, because then I'll just end up more unhappy. Feeling cute and pretty is such a girly thing, but it does help with confidence boosts, and those are definitely something a girl needs when she is having one of those days.

I seriously do not know who's reading over at UCLA. Hello? Hi?

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