Tuesday, September 22, 2009

what if you just fall into a ditch and die?

I hate my Copyright class. We spent a good half hour today debating whether or not silence (i.e., recording silence) is copyrightable.


For a variety of legal reasons, all brought up in the first five minutes of this debate, that people then spent the rest of the half hour rehashing. Oh my god, shut up, why are you wasting my life?

The thing is, my class is full of such arrogant douchebags who just like to hear themselves talk and have such attitudes when they speak (like, duh, of course I'm right, how could anyone believe any other opinion but mine), that it made me want to argue against them, for the copyrightability of silence.

And silence is not copyrightable.

I'm low-protectionism anyway (how could I be otherwise?). But this was a fucking waste of my time, just like every. other. Copyright. class. ever.

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