Saturday, December 12, 2009

what if i get lost in you?

Took my Censorship & Free Expression exam yesterday morning - and I think it went really well. There was only one small part I wasn't sure about so I BSed my way through that portion of the essay, but I think my BS was at least relevant and it wasn't a huge part, so all should be well. :D Then I had lunch with people in the courtyard and it was nice because I haven't seen people in so long, closeted away as I am at home studying for finals.

Took my Korean final without studying for it at all, lol. It went fine. I remember how uni exams were so short...only an hour! Man, I miss that. Law school exams are three, sometimes four, hours long. Ugh.

Now gearing up for cracking down on White Collar Crime and hating the fact that the urge to write always strikes me at my busiest, with the least free time. Typical.

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