Friday, May 21, 2010

does it feel like stagnation?

Back in STL, tired all the time, and seeking to put off RL as much as I can. I met with my work supervisor this afternoon and that went well - most of my projects/assignments I can do from home with occasional meetings. I'll also have plenty of time to look for a paying part-time job but god knows if there are any of those left. I'll have to keep hunting though. Will be moving my stuff slowly but surely over to my summer residence - first I have to clean up all the junk I've accumulated here. Throwing out a bunch of crap first makes the rest of the moving easier, right? I think I still need to get some boxes and packing tape though, and then bug some guys to help me with my furniture eventually.

I've been feeling entirely antisocial recently and I'm not sure for the cause of it. Did get to see A and J one last time before I left NC so that was fun (♥) but when I'll next see them again, I have no idea.

Apparently the Wonder Girls are coming to St. Louis though. I had no idea but apparently I'm going. :) Should be fun.

Hopefully things will pick up once I've gotten my stuff moved and settled for the summer. Mostly, though, I am tired.

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