Tuesday, June 15, 2010

will I sweat and bleed for you? I will.

I've been dealing with a lot of heavy-hitting topics in the past couple days: rape (and inherent misogyny), exploitation of race, racism... (I may go into these in slightly more detail in a future post.) I should be glad that dialogue has been had and that learning has been done and that privilege is being examined. I am glad. As painful and difficult as these issues can be, they merit my (and others') care and attention; they merit the time and effort it takes to explain to others why what was said or done was offensive or problematic. As I've told people: in a selfish way, I'm glad I care about these things because they make me feel like less shitty of a person. They make me feel that I am still capable of caring. I don't ever want to be so selfish as to want to close my eyes and ears to everything and stop caring, however much I may postulate it sometimes.

But all that aside, caring is still exhausting. I knew that going in and I think it's worth it but— But I'm just really tired right now.

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