Saturday, September 13, 2008

breathe it in and let it out

my life is so much nicer when i don't go online. my life is so much nicer when i don't care about fandom. :) law school people always make me smile and make me feel welcome. they make me laugh. they also make me want a boyfriend. everyone's attached - married or engaged or in a serious relationship. it's strange being single; we're definitely in the minority if we are. i want someone.

i think i'm happy. i think i am.

sometimes it's better not to think at all. just feel and live and breathe.

and sleep.

make something of your world. take it as it is. sometimes the choice isn't in your hands, and it's okay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i was randomly stalking your fb and stumbled across your blog... and this entry of yours is exactly how i feel about med school! it's been a year of lots of change in both our lives... here at med school, i really do feel welcome and accepted (in a weird, indescribable kind of way) by my fellow classmates like i never have been before, and it's pretty much the best feeling in the world. and! the thing about relationships -- so true! the girl who sat in front of me in morning lecture just got engaged last night... oh well, i suppose our time will come eventually =) however, being in a (relatively) big city has also made me realize that i am still young, and i should be in no hurry to rush into any life-long commitments. still a lot of exploring to do on my own!

"just feel and live" pretty much sums up my view on life right now, and to be honest, i have never been happier. hope law school is as awesome as you'd always imagined it to be!