I've been trying to work on my midterm papers on and off this weekend, but truth be told it is more off than on as I keep getting distracted. Mind, the distractions are often good and fun, which is why it is so easy to, well, get distracted in the first place.
Yesterday, Residence 3 had a banner-painting competition! Each cluster sent representatives to paint a banner for the theme "My Cluster". I went with my cluster leader XY because, hey, why not? It's a chance to get to know people better, be a little creative in a way law school typically does not allow for, and there was free lunch!
XY and I ended up with this banner, with each pair of flip flops depicting the flag of a nation represented in our cluster. Including the Singaporean flag in the corner on the wall, we had seven countries covered.
And in the end, it turns out we won one of the three grand prizes, for Most Appropriate Theme! Go us. :) That was a lot of fun and then I bonded with XY some more a little later over shared music interests. Oh Singapore, you are good to me in a way I can't really expect in the U.S. I would be happy to move here, live here, work here-- Which means I should really be trying harder with my work, shouldn't I? Make a good impression, reach out to the right people, and start laying a foundation for my future.
I will get on that; but first, back to my papers, with this song on loop.
Oh Cho Kyuhyun, can you sing forever please?
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