Wednesday, November 5, 2008

this world has taken its toll on me

If ever anyone were bad at emails, I would be. I'm just not very good at life updates, I guess, over email or over the phone. What should I say? What's important to know? I owe my parents a fairly lengthy phone call about my future.

My future.

I say it like I know what it's going to be like, but it's this entirely nebulous, uncertain thing in so many respects.

I feel like I'm not trying hard enough, and yet I'm so tired all of the time. It's actually rather distressing.

I used to be able to make compound sentences or something like that.

I'm not unhappy, just somewhat concerned and a little stressed, and mostly tired. Is this normal? Was I ever normal?

Not emo. Too tired to be emo. Big Bang's new MV and album is happy-making though. I will go to sleep early and have energy to care about things once again, damn it.

I wish I were better than mediocre at something.

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