Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"smitten with life"

E told me I was smitten with life tonight. It made me smile.

It made me spend ten minutes searching for a picture that might appropriately express that joie de vivre to no avail. I'm sure there are photos that could celebrate life like that, expressive in their very nature, but I couldn't find them. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Maybe I just don't care enough, because even though a picture is a worth a thousand words - sometimes I'd rather have those thousand words.

Not just any thousand words, mind you, but something beautiful. Meaningful. Evocative and perfect, capturing everything you feel and believe, that rush of emotion carrying you into being smitten with life.

Take every moment of your life and turn it into a memory. Cooking, eating, laughing, joking, talking, wishing, waiting, hoping, believing that there's something more than this, that this is everything you'll ever need, that this moment will be remembered forever.

Take these words, and turn them into something that will last forever.

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

There are so many good quotes on writing. There are so many ways to live life through these words, but I have to remember that there is more than just these words too. Live life, don't just watch it pass by and record it. Lose yourself in it. Find yourself speechless sometimes, and just swim in it, drown in it.

Be in love with life. At least once in a while.

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