Friday, January 21, 2011

baby just say yes to this

Not sober but I wouldn't say drunk. Comfortably tipsy. I should spend more nights like this, as I am much more mellow and less awkward like this. Drank Carlsberg (oh! Danish brew! LFC sponsor) Special Brew (double the normal alcoholic content apparently) and some Thai beer as well. This was after a pretty fun night at the Singapore Night Safari with F. Then met up with A and J at the West Coast Plaza hawker center. I spent the afternoon at Bugis shopping with P (who is tiny and pretty and omg I love her) and her boyfriend. It was a lot of fun. I also finally had really delicious chicken rice! Shopping and eating are the Singaporean staples and I am all over that. Look at me blend in with the crowd, yo. A continues, by the way, to be a good guy, concerned if I'm okay and constantly checking in and buying me water too. Thanks, A! Comfortably tipsy is a good place to be. I'm all right. But I appreciate it!

Booking tickets to Vietnam (and Cambodia) for break! Is this the best idea while tipsy? We shall see!

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